RARE OPPORTUNITY to Participate in An Exclusive Workshop & Mastermind Meeting
for Independent Optometry Practice Owners…
The New
Eyewear Selling
2 Day Eyewear Selling Masterplan Workshop in New Orleans
Limited to Just 25 Independent Optometry Practice Owners

Where: New Orleans

When: March 29/30 2025

Who: 25 OSA Mastermind Members + Guests

Price: $2,000 Just $1,499 or 2 x $799 if you book NOW

$2,000 Just $1,499 or 2 x $799 if you book NOW

*Bring a business partner or key employee saving 30%

Deadline Until Next Price Rise.
Save $501 before 10th March 9pm.

From The Desk of Conor Heaney

Dear Fellow Optometrist and Practice Owner,

Does This Sound Familiar?

  • You’ve had enough of losing glasses sales to other practices in your town

  • You’re disappointed by your sales figures when you check at the end of the month

  • You know you should be improving your teams’ selling skills but you don’t know where to start.

  • You’ve tried increasing your eyewear sales with amazing frames and state of the art lenses, only for your clients to shrug their shoulders and not buy it.

  • You’re worried about increasing costs and the effect the economy might have on your sales.


Basically, does it feel like you’re working too hard for the results that you get in your practice?

If so, you’re not alone. That was the feeling that drove me to design my practice to eliminate all those frustrations.

If you really want to maximise your practice, in any economy, and reduce the stress and frustration, there is one subject you must master: SELLING.

When I first started my practice in 2005, one of the biggest challenges I had was selling.

I had opened a new practice in the middle of Manchester and it dawned on me that just because I was a great optometrist, we had great frames, a nice looking practice, a cool name and logo, none of it changed the fact that I wasn’t good at selling.

The reality was after years of training and a few years of experience, I was a good optometrist – but I had no clue how to sell and every day that I didn’t know how to sell was costing me a lot of money.

That was back in 2005 – the truth is it’s even harder for independent practices in today’s over-crowded market.

Selling YOUR glasses against the online discounters / the ‘want everything for free’ and ‘what my insurance covers’ crowd / the Warby Parker ‘cool but cheap’ model etc. is DIFFICULT.

The other problem is this: It’s just not ‘cool’ to SELL anything!

Unless you’re selling Louis Vuitton handbags or Ferrari’s, people just don’t like being sold to.

Selling is frowned upon and if you’re in a ‘health care’ profession like ours, selling is definitely a TABOO subject to say the least.

Could Everything You’ve Ever Been Told About ‘Selling’ Be Wrong?

As I look back, one of the biggest issues I had was the FEAR I had about selling. Specifically, the fear I had about being judged for ‘selling’.

No matter what, I couldn’t stop thinking that anytime I talked about money or recommended premium products or multiple pairs of glasses to a client, I was being JUDGED for doing so.

The situation was bleak. Not only wasn’t I any good at selling, but I didn’t know how to do it ethically or confidently, so I found myself shying away from it completely.

It’s what most people do, and it explains why so many opticians and optometrists struggle along with very average practices that could be so much more profitable.

Your Big Opportunity Is Waiting - Will You Take It?

If you’re currently uncomfortable with the idea of selling, struggling to charge premium prices, can’t get your team to sell effectively, or are fed up with losing patients and sales to your competitors, then I have good news for you…

On 29th and 30th March, in the fabulous city of New Orleans, we’re going to spend two full days with you showing you how to do it right. It’s our mastermind meeting for our US and Canadian members and I’m devoting the entire two days to THE MOST IMPORTANT SKILL YOU WILL EVER DEVELOP. Your ability to SELL.

Here’s Just Some of What You Will Discover Inside Two Amazing Days of Working with Conor:

Plus, discover how to handle one of the most important conversations you can ever have in an independent practice:

"Why Are Your Glasses So Expensive Compared To Other Places?"

One of the things you must get right if you want to be a highly profitable independent practice is sell premium eyewear at premium prices.

We have helped 100+ OSA members do this successfully in all types of locations including working-class, lower demographic areas and heavily insurance-based practices.

No matter your location or type of practice I am yet to come across a single practice where adding an extra $100 to $400 to the average eyewear sale wont transform that business’ profits and owner’s happiness.

To do this though you must know how to skillfully answer the question: “Why are your glasses so expensive?”. The key is YOU have to bring it up and answer that question pre-emptively every single time. Because lots of your clients wont verbally ask the question, but they will be thinking it in their head – that is how you lose lots of sales.

But when you know how to do this automatically and effectively, you’ll see hundreds and hundreds of new and existing clients happily spend $100 to $1000 more on their glasses with you. And some of those clients will surprise you – they will be the exact people you never would have imagined would spend that much in a million years.

Learning this one technique alone will easily be worth 50 times what you invest to come to this event. It will make that much difference to your sales in the next 12 months.

Your clients will go from shopping around or making purely price-based decisions to ENJOYING spending more money in your practice.

Be warned, this will be an enlightening experience and once you know how to do it you’ll LOVE the conversation about why your glasses are so expensive and confidently be able to explain how you are offering them more VALUE than anywhere else.

$2,000 Just $1,499 or 2 x $799 if you book NOW

*Bring a business partner or key employee saving 30%

How To Have Happy Clients Who Spend Above Average Money

At my practice Jones And Co. Styling Opticians we have an AVERAGE eyewear sale of £1328 ($1665 USD) and our clients know our glasses are significantly more expensive than elsewhere.

We also have 500+ five-star reviews and are the number-one-rated optician in Manchester so that tells you our clients see the value in and are HAPPY to spend this much with us. Learning how to perform this seemingly ‘magic’ trick will be a game-changer for your practice. (Hint: It is neither magic nor a trick).

Profit KILLING Objections You Will Soon Know How To Overcome

Once you get past the guilt and the fear of being judged, one of the other problems with growing a thriving, highly profitable independent practice is the number of OBJECTIONS you come across from clients.

And if you don’t know how to EFFECTIVELY handle each one, you’re going to lose a lot of clients and sales.

At this event, there’s going to be a special session on “OBJECTION HANDLING” and by the end of the two days you’ll know how to respond to, and have an answer for each of the following classic objections that I’m sure you are hearing in your practice:

1️⃣ “You’re too expensive…”
2️⃣ “I can’t afford that…”
3️⃣ “I’ll update my glasses in a few months…”
4️⃣ “I don’t have time today…”
5️⃣ “Can I have a copy of my prescription…”
6️⃣ “I only want to see you (the owner, and not the other optometrist)”
7️⃣ “I buy my glasses somewhere else. But I’ll always come here for an eye test.”

If you’ve ever heard any of these, and you are not comfortable handling them or able to answer them effectively, then coming to this event is going to be a great decision for you.

$2,000 Just $1,499 or 2 x $799 if you book NOW

*Bring a business partner or key employee saving 30%

So, Why Should YOU Come?

Quite simply, by the end of these two days, you will MASTER the sales conversations that most optometrists and their staff would privately admit they aren’t very good at – and that will put $10,000’s more in your bank every month.

The reality is this: Knowing how to handle just ONE common objection is likely to be worth $1000 to you, EVERY SINGLE week.

(Do the maths when you know how to handle all seven…)

At this event, we’ll be working on what I believe to be the most important aspect of growing a business that isn’t solely reliant upon you – and that is mastering the ability to sell your products and services.

At this event, you are going to get the no bulls**t, politically incorrect TRUTH about precisely how to SELL in our industry (and add $10K to your monthly revenue) while your competitors continue to struggle and moan about the economy and vision plans and Warby Parker.

You will leave with a completely new way of answering the phone, managing objections and selling your wares confidently and ethically, which is very different from how you are doing it today.

Here's why you should listen to me about this topic...

In building my own independent practice in the last 20 years I’ve sold over $25 Million (£20 m) in GLASSES sales. And more importantly I’ve built a system for selling that allows my team to generate these results WITHOUT ME in the practice 90% of the time.

I would go so far as to say that if there is anyone you should want to learn how to 

effectively sell eyewear from, anywhere in the world, I am THAT GUY. As you can tell, my confidence has grown a bit too.

It’s because I’ve personally had thousands of ‘sales conversations’ with clients and perfected my own method for eloquently and effortlessly moving sceptical clients to saying yes and happily buying glasses from us, and being very glad they did so.

I know how to sell ethically and confidently, I’ve systemised it, I’ve trained my team how to master it, and I’d like share it with you. Don’t let the only reason you don’t make as much money this year be the fact you don’t know how to sell and choose not to learn how.

There’s No FASTER Way To Boost Profits In The Next 12 Months Than To Learn How To Sell…

The reality is, there’s no faster way to make money than to learn how to sell. The other thing is you can make more money without spending more on marketing.

If your marketing budget is tight, or you don’t currently do any marketing for fear of wasting money, them the only option you have to make more money is to learn to SELL and get more from the clients and enquiries you’re already getting.

Bring Your Staff (For 30% Off)

You’re probably thinking, “This sounds just what I need – but it’s also what my STAFF needs to hear.”

So, should you bring your staff as well? Hell YES! (We’ll even give you 30% off their ticket).

Bring a couple of your key staff and let them talk to OTHER people in the same roles and let ME teach them how to sell ethically.

I’m sure you’ve already tried, and I’m sure you’ve experienced the same push back as many owners do. Often they just need to hear it from a different voice.

The best thing is this is simple...
not complicated.

I’ve been coaching my own team on how to sell for 15 years, as well as coaching hundreds of independent practice owners and their staff from all over the world, how to do it effectively, ethically and confidently.

Without a doubt this is the most important and most in-depth sales training event I have ever done. Every year I continue to learn and find new improvement and every year I get better. My selling system gets better and my team get better. But in the last six months I have been re-working and re-fining and updating my whole selling system and there are many ‘breakthroughs’ that I want you to benefit from.

My new Selling system is better than it has ever been, and is easier to grasp, fully understand and implement. So whether this is your first OSA event or your 10th I urge you not to miss out on this, and miss out on the tens of thousands of extra revenue I know it can bring you.

The Ten Big Breakthroughs You Will Discover In Just Two Days…

With all that said, here’s ten things you can be sure of knowing how to do when you leave at 5pm on Sunday 30th March:

  1. How to get clients to say yes – even if they have never spent that much on their eyewear in the past

  2. How to differentiate your practice from every other opticians in your area (this has nothing to do with your optometry skills)

  3. How other people like you are already charging 50% to 100% more (and more) for every pair of glasses they dispense

  4. How to answer the phone so that all clients arrive in your practice pre-disposed to buy from you

  5. How to boost conversion rates to 80% – so you can stop wasting time showing glasses and giving advice and prices to clients who are not going to buy

  6. How to get clients to ‘sell themselves’ on buying multiple pairs – this is great for your cashflow and great for transforming clients into raving fans

  7. How to radically reduce cancellations and no-shows (most times easier than you think, just say these 4 words…)

  8. How to get everyone on the team comfortable with the idea of selling (even the one who has been there for years and thinks everybody in your town has no money)

  9. How to FEEL GOOD about selling (yes, it IS possible)

  10. How to sell GUILT FREE (yes, this is also possible and it’s long overdue that you STOPPED worrying about taking money for a vital service that you provide)

And You’ll Also Leave With This BONUS That Will Skyrocket Your Sales…

As part of this training you'll also receive access to our:

TWENTY Best Ever Performing SALES SCRIPTS And Training Templates…

…which you can easily practice one a week in just 15 minutes with your team to generate an instant flurry of sales.

What most books and courses and seminars lack is ‘how to do it.’ Most people will give you just the theory. Most fall miles short of ever giving you exactly what to do, the words to use, the choreography, the methodology that allows you to handle any situation that arises.

This BONUS will give you the missing piece of the puzzle that you’ve struggled with for so long. There is a Grand Canyon-sized gap between KNOWING versus DOING. These twenty sales scripts and training templates will make sure your team can put everything into ACTION in your practice.

$2,000 Just $1,499 or 2 x $799 if you book NOW

*Bring a business partner or key employee saving 30%

Here's the real reason you should come...

Having run Optical Success Academy for nearly a decade, I can say with confidence, the quality of business owners you meet in this community is not just the icing on the cake. It is the most important value I can give you.

Bringing you together in a community of positive, aspirational, success-orientated, and humble business owners is the real work I do in OSA.

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn said, “You are the sum of the people you spend the most time with.” The people you spend the most time with shape who you are. They determine what conversations dominate your attention. They affect which attitudes and behaviours you are regularly exposed to. And eventually you start to think like they think and behave like they behave.

Here’s the lesson: Surround yourself with people you admire. This is bigger than just ‘selling’. This is about your personal growth.

I can't believe I've gone this far without mentioning this...

We’ve chosen New Orleans as the location for our meeting for a couple of reasons. First, it’s easy to get flights to for all our members in the US and Canada. But the real BIG reason is because it is a great city to visit.

This mastermind meeting will include some amazing New Orleans experiences in the evenings with our group, all organised by us (and included with your ticket price).

Running your business is supposed to make your life BETTER not worse. You should do interesting things and have enjoyable experiences BECAUSE you have a business. YOU are the engine that drives everything in your business so you need to protect YOUR ENERGY and do things to INSPIRE YOU and CREATE NEW ENERGY.

Imagine how you’ll feel walking through historic New Orleans with other like-minded optometry practice owners. Being away from the daily hassles and having downtime and big-picture thinking time. Learning lots of practical business-building information and at the same time getting into recovery mode.

This is an event that will inspire you, reignite your passion and determination and fully recharge your batteries.

If you don’t think THAT is good for your business, I don’t think you realise how important YOU are to your business’ success. Not to mention, YOU DESERVE IT for how hard you work!


With all of that said, what are you waiting for? If you stay at home, nothing will change. If you come, you will do the work that has the power to transform your business. There will be no breakthroughs sitting at home!

All independent practice owners are BUSY and under pressure and that is WHY the smartest business owners give themselves the time to re-energise and re-focus on the big picture of their business and learn the skills that will fuel their success.

You will find us a very welcoming group, you will learn lots, you’ll have fun, and yes, the luxury hotel and New Orleans highlights and experiences will be a bonus!

But understand, if you are running a business, attending the best events like this are not a luxury, they are an ESSENTIAL to your success.

To apply for one of the last 12 places, act fast!!!

If you get one of the places I’ll look forward to you joining us in New Orleans!

To Your Success!

P.S. Just in case the cost is on your mind… ultimately this will have NO cost because it is an investment that will return a minimum of 10X what you spend if you implement ANY aspect of what I show you and give you in New Orleans. The reality is that this is worth tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of dollars to your business over the coming years. And the downside or risk is practically zero… a couple of extra eyewear sales off the back of what you get in New Orleans will cover it. So grab this opportunity while you can!  The “The NEW Eyewear Selling Masterplan” workshop and mastermind meeting will give you the complete blueprint to transform your selling system, and boost your profitability to ‘best in industry’ levels in the next 12 months.


Get three month's free OSA Essentials Membership in my Optical Success Academy Program

PLUS, if you’re not a member of my Optical Success Academy Program (and you’ve never had a free trial in the past), you will also receive this as an added bonus:

If you are not currently a member of Optical Success Academy, you will also receive three months FREE membership, including monthly coaching call, ‘look over my shoulder’ newsletter and members website showcasing all the strategies and tactics Conor is using to run one of the top independent practices in the world. Everything from sales training, marketing, customer service, staff training, practice systems and more. After your three-month trial, your gold membership will automatically be upgraded to full membership at 297 per month unless you cancel – which you can easily do at any time (instructions on how to do so will be provided). This Free bonus is for non-Optical Success Academy members only.

$2,000 Just $1,499 or 2 x $799 if you book NOW

*Bring a business partner or key employee saving 30%

Here's What Practice Owners are Saying About Working With Me:

“Our collections are up by over 17%, at an all-time high of over $1.7M, exceeding our last record by $250k. Working with OSA and Conor has been great and allowed us to flourish in difficult times.”

Dr. Michael Ottati,  Diablo Valley, California

“Other programs don’t have the optical focus. They don’t talk about optical in the way that Conor does. And optical in our day and age is different and it’s challenging. Conor is fantastic because he gives one-on-one support and I really appreciate all the practical guidance and information he sends weekly to us.”

Kaleena Ma, New York City, New York

“We’re up 25% for the year. We’ve never had this level of growth before. All in all, we made $228,000 extra in the last year with OSA’s strategies. I wouldn’t have been able to pull it off without Conor’s help.”

Britanny Graber, Maddison, Wisconsin

“I was up 30% the first year in Optical Success Academy. And I am currently up 30% in revenue this year too. And that’s having dropped 8 insurances. Our revenue per patient has doubled since we’ve joined OSA.”

Dr. Susan Elizondo Austin, Texas

“Conor and his amazing team are absolutely PHENOMENAL! I have never left a meeting this excited and motivated to be better and more unique than we already are. We are so excited to be a part of Optical Success Academy!”

Dr. Erika Morrow Savannah, Georgia

Just 12 Spaces Available- ACT FAST!

Because of the personal support that you’ll be getting from me during the workshop, places are limited to just 25 practice owners, with 12 guest places. So Act fast.

You can only INCREASE your clinic’s profits if you are clear on WHO your perfect patient is. So you know how to REACH them and SAY THE RIGHT THINGS to them. 

You will get that from me in just two days at this workshop. Confirm your place here.

Optical Success Academy
UK Office: 82 King Street, Manchester, M2 4WQ, United Kingdom
US Office: 179 South Lake Drive, Suite 90, PMB 333, Lexington, SC 29073 USA
Telephone: UK: (0161) 414 0052 | US: (346) 299 1936
Email: info@opticalsuccessacademy.com

© 2025 | Optical Success Academy